Adrison Arias

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I want to thank you for your trust placed in me. I am a Venezuelan dental technician located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. I have been working in the acrylic area for 24 years, today I am training in the digital area and making possible on the PC what I do manually. I sincerely wish to be able to help you with those great tools that our creator has put in my hands, because here we have a motto and that is: We do everything with great love, that is our non-secret recipe. A huge hug and thank you for reading until the end.

Ich bin: Zahntechniker
Akademische / Berufsausbildung: Dental technician
Berufserfahrung: + 10 Jahre
Geburtsdatum: 25 Jan 1988
Cad File Conversion
Dental CAD Design
Digital Orthodontics
Digital Smile Planning
Removables CAD Design
Verwendete Software:

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