Anastasia F

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Hello, welcome to my page.
I am dental technician with 12 years experience, 5 of them are in digital field.
Feel free to ask and comunicate me, I speak english, bulgarian and russian.

Im located in Europe in Timezone UTC/GMT +3 hours

Approximate time when I am available online:

Local time From 09:00 am - 17:00 pm
EDT, EST (Eastern Daylight Time) From 02:00 am - 11:00 am
PDT, PST (Pacific Daylight Time) From 11:00 pm - 08:00 am

Ich bin: Zahntechniker
Akademische / Berufsausbildung: Medical college by speciality "Dental Technician"
Berufserfahrung: + 10 Jahre
Geburtsdatum: 19 Mär 1987
Dental CAD Design
Removables CAD Design
Verwendete Software: