Artur Harutyunyan
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Welcome my profile
I have 7 years of experience as a dental technician and 3 years specializing in digital dentistry.
My skills include:
Proficient in Exocad: Designing veneers, wax-ups, crowns, and bridges, including full anatomy and frameworks. Cad File Conversion' conversion oral scan to model for stl.
Fixed Prosthetics Expertise: Creating high-quality restorations for crowns and bridgework, including implant-supported designs.
Attention to Detail: Delivering precise, functional, and aesthetic results tailored to meet client needs.
I'm dedicated to providing exceptional designs and timely service. Let's work together to create outstanding dental restorations!
Ich bin:
3 - 7 Jahre
17 Jun 1994
Cad File Conversion
Dental CAD Design
Verwendete Software:
1 aktiver Eintrag
Crown & Bridge full anatomy Crea...
8 $
/ Einheit