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Erkennt diejenigen an, die schnell in der Kommunikation mit Kunden sind.Hello! I’m a digital denture technician and designer with over seven years of experience in the dental field. I specialize in creating all types of dentures using 3Shape Dental Designer, including immediate dentures, partial dentures, final dentures with wax rims, and implant overdentures. My goal is to deliver high-quality products and designs, ensuring the best customer experience.
Ich bin:
Akademische / Berufsausbildung:
Bachelor from Calstate university
8 - 10 Jahre
1 Apr 1989
Dental CAD Design
Removables CAD Design
CAM Strategies
Verwendete Software:
3 Shape
1 aktiver Eintrag
3shape digital denture with ivoc...
27,50 $
/ Bogen
Dexa was great. His design fit perfect and required no adjustments!!! Patient was very happy. Using him for all my prosthodontics. Thanks again DEXA
Done quickly and to spec