Mauro Gabriel Sanzo

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I'm Mauro Sanzo, a dental prosthetist with over 10 years of experience in fixed prosthodontics. My passion for dentistry and technology has led me to excel in creating high-quality digital dental prostheses. I'm passionate about precision and aesthetics, and I was one of the early adopters in Argentina of technologies like Exocad and 3D printing in dentistry.

As a trainer and speaker, I share my expertise in dental design and CAD/CAM technology. My goal is to enhance oral health and patient confidence through cutting-edge dental prosthetics.

Ich bin: Zahntechniker
Berufserfahrung: + 10 Jahre
Geburtsdatum: 17 Mai 1991
Dental CAD Design
Verwendete Software:
10 Bewertungen / 5.0