Harmony Dental Creations

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Founded in 2013, Harmony Dental Creations has spent more than a decade providing expertly crafted dental restorations and valuable services. Our team is devoted to quality, knowledge, and flexibility. This commitment helps us ensure every partnership we form is harmonious and greatly benefits clinicians.
Unlike big, factory laboratories, the Harmony team knows every clinician we work with and is able to craft each restoration to dentist specifications for easy placement. We focus on three key points to aid us in ensuring every case and every clinician receives the best care possible.

  1. Relationships
    The Harmony Dental Creations team will go the extra mile for our clients. Due to our smaller team, your cases will be handled by the same technicians every time. You are never a number, which means you can be confident that you and your patient will be taken care of when you partner with Harmony. We value your time and are ready to work with you to ensure every case ends with superior results.

  2. Transparency
    Every restoration you receive from our team is proudly crafted in America. Transparency is vital to a long-lasting and beneficial practice-lab partnership. Many laboratories nowadays are outsourcing to factories overseas, which are not as strictly regulated as American labs. We never outsource overseas and hold the fabrication of our restorations to extremely high standards. We care about the restoration that will go into your patient’s mouth and prioritize the highest quality materials, processes, and equipment for every case.

  3. Ownership
    Our laboratory’s golden rule is to treat every case as though the final restoration is going into our own mouths. This ownership of the restoration means that we take as much time and care with every case as needed to ensure exceptional results. This high level of commitment means you and your patient are getting the very best restoration for every case.

Je suis: Laboratoire dentaire
Langue de communication:
Expérience Professionnelle: + 10 Ans
Date de Naissance: 27 oct. 1980
Cad File Conversion
Dental CAD Design
Removables CAD Design
Software utilisé:
3 Shape

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