
As a dentist with a keen interest in digital dentistry, I specialize in the planning and design of clear aligners.

The case will be completed in Onyxceph Aligner Studio.

What you will get ?
1. Video/Animation Video
2. Movement and IPR Charts
3. All STL Models with labels (hollowed or trimmed)

Requirements to start planing your case :
1. Intra and extra oral photos of your patient
2.Lateral Ceph (optional but obligatory in the borderline cases )
3. Intra oral scan STL files for the requested arch
4. Patients's cheif complain


0 avaliaçãos / 0.0
Tempo de entrega: 3 - 5 dias
Revisões: 1 - 3
Software: OnyxCeph
Ficheiros do Projecto
Ficheiros finais para produção


CadCam Masters para Freelancers do Dental Cad

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